Creating a Transparent Table in SAP ABAP
Tables can be defined independently of the database in the ABAP Dictionary. The fields of the table are defined with their (database-independent) data types and lengths.
How to Create a Transparent Table in SAP ABAP
When the table is activated, the system creates a physical table definition in the database for the table definition stored in the ABAP Dictionary. The system translates the table definition from the ABAP Dictionary to a definition of the particular database. You can see these relations between the ABAP Dictionary and the database in the following figure.
A table definition in the ABAP Dictionary contains the following components:
Table Fields:
Table fields define the field names and data types of the fields contained in the table
Foreign keys:
Foreign keys define the relationships between the table and other tables.
Technical settings:
Technical settings control the creation of the table in the database.
To speed up data selection, secondary indexes can be created for the table.
The customer can modify SAP tables with append structures and customizing includes. This kind of modification ensures that the customer enhancements are automatically merged with the new versions of the SAP tables when there is a release upgrade.
Steps to Creating a Table
1.Create a custom table with description.
2.Maintain Delivery and Maintenance.
3.Create Fields and Data elements with related domains.
4.Define Technical settings for a Table.
5.Check and activate the all components of the Table.
6.Create and display entries.
Enter SE11 transaction in the SAP EASY ACCESS Screen.
Enter the table name and press Create
Enter the description, Delivery class and check on table maintenance allowed. Then click on the tab Fields.
Enter the Zname in fields tab and Zname_DE in field type tab.
Double click on Zname_DE. Then it will ask for Save. Press ‘YES”.
Save it as a local object on pressing Local object button and Give the Data Element Description and Domain name
SAVE it in Local Object
It will ask for creating new domain ,Press Yes.
Then press Definition tab and enter the domain data type and Length.
Save and activate the Domain.
Repeat the above steps for any number of fields in your table.
Now go to the technical seetings and maintain the data class and size category.
Save and active it ,Next go to utilities and select table contents and create entries
Enter the records or entries and save and reset it and again create new entry like this you can enter number of entries into table
SAVE the all entries.
Now go to utilities and select table contents and then slelect display option to view the create entries of your table.
Then the following screen appears. Press on display
You will get the following screen. Press execute button
You can see the table values in the output.