BDC Session Method Program
BDC - Session Method BDC (Batch Data Communication): It Transfers or upload the data’s(records) from Legacy(Non SAP) system to SAP system. Batch input means bulk amount of data. It is a programming method. Types: It has two types 1. CALL TRANSACTION METHOD. 2. SESSION METHOD (CLASSICAL). Session Method: 1. Asynchronous Processing. 2. Synchronous database updates. 3. Transfer of data for multiple transactions. Using FM bdc_insert. 4. As compared to call transaction, this is slow. 5. Best suited for bulk transfer. 6. Automatic error handling. 7. Error logs are created. 8. The value of sy-subrc is never returned. Because records are stored temporary in session and after the records are updated to the database. 9. You can store the sessions and it can be used for later processing. ...